55. to Henry, the Bishop of Winchester (1131/56)

To the lord Henry bishop of Winchester, one to be loved with a single-minded love and to be honoured with a singular honorific.

But there is also what Solomon said about a friend: “May your foot wear down my front step.” Since I am not sufficient by myself, I take care to accomplish, with God granting, through my assistants. Recognize in me, if still it is also so among others, a custom of friendship such that the more a friend visits me, the more the fervour of his friendship grows in my heart. And it is a certain vestige of eternal love that he who is more enflamed by it, is more satisfied, and he who is more satisfied, is more completely enflamed. Therefore, the firm bond of love, an unbreakable chain, unifies us though we are far distant from each other, and the baseless talk of our detractors, cannot harm it, as if it was a spider web able to be destroyed by child’s play. Let it be remembered and may Your Wisdom guard the proverb of Wisdom, because the prince who willingly hears the words of a lie, has impious men as all his ministers. Let it not be indeed that I believe that you willingly hear the words of a lie.

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