A rhythmic verse on Saint Hugh, abbot of Cluny
Hugh, our pious father, illustrious in lineage
Shines even more brightly by grace of his virtues
When he lay hidden, still enclosed in his mother’s womb,
A priest sacrified eucharist for the boy
The proof of a great miracle –an image of this little one –
Is glimpsed in the chalice,
If anyone wonders what meaning I interpret, it is thus
The offering [hostia] foretold what would be offered [hostiam]
Then this boy was birthed and born was nursed
He overtook men in the ranking of age
Adequately [endowed] with youthful corporeal powers
He strove in the virtues with burning zeal.
He despised the world, and all its joys
Recognizing that all things quickly perish
He renounced the world, and allied himself to God
Thus fleeing the earth, he drew near the heavens.
Afterwards, inspired by the divine spirit
With the heart changed, he was changed in habit
He remained within the Lord’s sheepfold
A sheep of Christ exceptional with his sheep
He sedulously obeyed the commands of the Shepherd
Nothing of them commanded what the Rule ordered
With a vigourous exertion he trampled pride under foot
Conquering malice by his wisdom.
He received a sainted meal of justice
And followed in the footsteps of the poverty of Christ
Growing in virtue as time advanced
He seemed admirable by old men.
Now dead to the world, he showed that he lived with Christ
To mortals by his saintly work
Hence the shepherd died, the sheep was placed in command
And strenuously he accomplished the succession of the shepherd
He taught those subjected to him by words and acts
Offering himself as the image of good works to all
Fierce towards crimes, mercifully
Combining both, he was made an equitable mediator.
As a prudent doctor annoits a patient/ an illness
Which health casts off, he excises the rotten flesh.
A superior seat did not puff him up
Who in mind remained inferior to all.
The master of the meek, the father of the humble
He located his humility here, while in a place of such exalted things
His sanctity was increased by a gift of the Spirit
He was the perfection of the law, he did not lack charity
Paupers were fed through the most willing intention
That which were given, God gave with a most generous hand
He clothed the nudity of Christ, or of paupers
The amount of good works grew even larger.
This venerable man of the Cluniacs
Enriched the monastary more than the early fathers
The religious way of life grew under his zeal
He augmented as well, the number of the brothers in the community (college)
The Lord expanded this house with things
Thus he showed how greatly he loved Hugh
The blessed servitude furnishing so great a reward
While he served, the man subjugated to God commanded.
Not only was he content with practical zeal (learning)
He strove in the leisure of the theoretical life
He carefully fulfilled the (office) responsibility of Martha
He heard the conversation of Christ like Mary.
Like Leah, he multiplied the sons of God
Whom he devotedly applied to the (cultivations) learning of God
Like Rachel, barren but with a beautiful face
He probed with a subtle heavenly sight.
Reading was yoked to everflowing silence
Nor did fervent prayer lack in tears,
He consecrated this by frequent sacrifice
While he consecrated this, he became the Host.
This I add more to his works
Since they shine more than all the stars
For his works are as if stars
Which in number remain infinite.
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