34. To the Lord Chancellor Haimeric (1132/40)

To the venerable brother and most beloved friend, the lord Haimeric, chancellor and cardinal of the apostolic subliminity, the brother Peter, the humble abbot of Cluny sends greetings.

When shipwreck threatens, nothing is more safe than to make for harbour, when dangers are dreaded, there is nothing more secure than to hasten back to a friend. On this account, since our boat fears that a shipwreck is experienced due to the winds propelling us from our parts, it chose your most powerful person to whom the dangers are made known and through whom all opposition is able to be avoided.

And lest you suspect that I wish to exaggerate this with my words, may your recognize me speaking with a friend’s truth, not only that I say nothing exaggerated, but I am scarcely able to reveal the very pile of disturbed thoughts. I myself know my heart, I know also the ???spirit of the sacred assembly more than I am able to say, since at that time they heard what never before heard were they able to hope for no agreement.

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